Farm for impact
Farming with South Africa’s leading carbon farming programme helps farmers earn the capital needed to adopt regenerative farming practices.
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Invest for impact
Investing in carbon offsets from improved land management practices helps mitigate the impacts of climate change, promotes biodiversity and supports local communities.
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Collaborate for impact
Collaborating with precision agriculture service providers helps farmers adopt sustainable farming practices and ensures that more farmers are rewarded for their efforts.
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Farm for impact

Unleashing the potential of regenerative agriculture and soil carbon sequestration for enhanced yields, climate resilience and a sustainable future.

Invest for impact

Empowering positive change through high-quality carbon credit purchases in soil carbon sequestration and regenerative agriculture practices.

What is AgriCarbon?

South Africa’s first internationally recognised carbon programme paying farmers for the carbon credits they generate from their sustainable land management practices.

Rotational grazing, cover cropping, reduced tillage, and other improved land management practices improve soil health and the farmers’ bottom line. Now, through our AgriCarbon™ programme, increased soil organic carbon and reduced greenhouse gas emissions from these practices can also generate carbon credits of the highest quality. 

These carbon removals are a key component of the strategy to achieve Science-Based Targets (SBTi) and Net Zero emissions. By incorporating these removal strategies into emission reduction plans, companies and countries can demonstrate their commitment to addressing climate change in a comprehensive and responsible manner.

Hectares enrolled to date
0 k+
Agricultural Fields
Tonnes carbon offsets audited in 2023
0 k+

Why choose us?

Unlock the true value of regenerative agriculture with our pioneering carbon farming programme –
the unrivalled choice for farming, purchasing carbon credits, and forging impactful collaborations in the fight against climate change.

Farming with us

AgriCarbon pays farmers for adopting improved agricultural land management practices, which limit emissions and restore organic carbon to the soil. While you farm, we’ll liaise with independent auditors, and work to get your carbon credits verified, certified and issued by Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard. We’ll tap into our global network of buyers and secure the highest price possible for your credits. These funds can be used to invest in new technology and mitigate any short-term financial barriers on transitioning to regenerative farming practices.

Investing with us

AgriCarbon’s verified high-quality removal carbon credits can contribute towards your company’s net-zero goals. AgriCarbon goes above and beyond the requirements of the Verra methodologies that ensure the essential components such as additionality, permanence, as well as risks and uncertainty determination. This is supported by the highest scientific rigour and a robust soil sampling and measurement protocol.

Collaborating with us

AgriCarbon expands the service offerings provided by you on farm level to uplift the client’s financial success. Our programme not only transforms farmers’ data into extra income but also offers financial benefits to you as service providers. Additionally, AgriCarbon provides both the farmer and service provider with critical agronomic insights, data, and carbon expertise. Join AgriCarbon to unlock the full potential of your offerings and empower sustainable agricultural practices.

AgriCarbonin the news

Here you will find all of our insights, facts, blog posts and news, often timeless and powerful. They range from thought-leadership opinion pieces to research and data-led blog posts.